Sunday, December 28, 2014

Post-Christmas with De

We had a chance to relax and hang out with Brock's sister De this weekend (and nothing beats eating Ramen Noodle Soup in Reindeer Antlers!)

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014

We had a wonderful Christmas with my mom and my sister Denise, her husband Brandon & son Gavin. Christmas Day they all came over to our house.  The kids had fun playing with their new Christmas presents: building a fort, reading books, playing games, and Braxton got to ride his new scooter (because we had no snow for Christmas!) It was a great Christmas. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Weekend Trip to Iowa

We traveled to Iowa this weekend.  One highlight was going to Aunt De's church where we learned the kids were performing ... and Braxton joined them! He was such a brave boy in a new church for the first time & singing up on stage (he is in the front row wearing a blue shirt). He had the best view in the house of Mary & Joseph holding a real baby.

We also went to a Live Nativity.  The sheep, goat, and calf were all there along with a choir singing.  So Beautiful!

Here are a few other random photos from our trip.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Braddax - 2 year old birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday Braddax!

FAVORITE THINGS: Braddax loves watching the TV show Calliou.  He loves to read.  He loves Mickey Mouse.  He loves dumping toys on the floor.   He loves to sing.  He loves chasing his brother.

FAVORITE FOODS:  Braddax LOVES bananas so much.  Other favorites are hot dogs, raisins, Clementine oranges, grapes, and goldfish crackers.  His favorite veggie is green beans.

TALKING:  He is starting to talk more these days saying phrases like "more bananas please" and "all done". He listens to his brother talk and repeats the phrases. Braddax loves to sing Ring Around the Rosie, ABCs, Patty Cake, and Twinkle Twinkle.

QUIRKY:  For months, Braddax has loved to read.  He will pull all 15 kids books off our bookshelf and put them in a pile, then he demands that every single book is read one-after-one without stopping until the whole pile is complete.  

And another quirky thing...whenever Braddax is sitting in his car seat he always pulls off his socks and shoes.

CUTE:  Braddax is calm and friendly at daycare.  His teachers say things like "Braddax is such a nice boy."  He shares toys well, laughs often, and sings loudly.

Braddax 2nd Birthday Party

Gavin & Denise came over to celebrate Braddax' 2nd birthday tonight with party hats, ring pop suckers, and juice.  Super simple & fun.

Daycare Christmas Program

Braddax was in the daycare Christmas program this week.  His class sang "Happy Birthday Jesus" and laid down on stage to sing "Twinkle Twinkle."  Adorable!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Awana Christmas Program

Braxton had his Christmas program at church this week - and Braxton did great on stage.  After the program Braxton asked me to take photos of him pretending to talk into the microphone.  
This video features his class singing the song "The Virgin Mary had a baby boy".  The lyrics featured in this video are:"He came from the glory.  He came from the glorious kingdom....The angels sang when the baby was born and they said that his name was Jesus"

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Holiday Baking

In the past few weeks Braxton has loved helping with holiday treats.  Mom & Braxton attended the "Gingerbread Party" at Kindergarten together, Braxton and our friend Joy baked cookies together, and then Denise and Joy helped us decorate a cookie tree.  Lots of fun and sugar!