Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This week

This week Braddax had his 2 month doctor's appointment.  Braddax has an umbilical hernia (which likely will heal itself over the next 6 months) but is doing great.  He weighs 11 pounds 2 ounces now (he has nearly doubled in size!)

This week Braxton wrote his first word.  While trying to draw a group of people Braxton drew two circle heads and two stick bodies with arms on each side - which ended up spelling the word "toot".  Once we pointed out his achievement he laughed and laughed about writing the word "toot" and was very proud of himself.  He can now spell and write the words "toot" and "boot".

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What's the number?

Today I was talking to Braxton about dialing 911.  He responded, "If we call 911 when we need the police, what number do we call when we need the army men?"

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentines 2013

       Happy Valentine's Day from Love Bandit and the Tatoo Kid

Saturday, February 9, 2013

That's Life

"This is how it goes - first you are a kid, then you are a daddy, then you are a grandpa, then you die.  Sorry dad, you only have one left.  I have two left."

Friday, February 8, 2013

Braxton's 4th Birthday Party

The birthday party was a success!  Awa, Ruby, Avery and Isla came for the party.  We decorated photo frames with markers and stickers, wore clown noses, and had a blast.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Comparison Photos

What a difference a month makes! Braddax looks more adorable each day!

Braddax on January 6

Braddax on February 4

And here is one more comparison...

              Braxton at 6 weeks                                 Braddax at 6 weeks