Monday, February 4, 2013

Comparison Photos

What a difference a month makes! Braddax looks more adorable each day!

Braddax on January 6

Braddax on February 4

And here is one more comparison...

              Braxton at 6 weeks                                 Braddax at 6 weeks


  1. Anonymous2/04/2013

    Wow! He has changed a lot. He's filled out and gotten some 'baby chubby,' which is great.

    I can't get over how much Braxton and Braddax look alike. Although, looking at them side by side, Braxton looks a little more like a Chunky Monkey compared to Braddax. Wonderful comparison photos! Braddax is getting big.

    Love, Auntie Dordi

  2. Braddax has sure grown! Love the comparison photos-- you have 2 adorable "almost-twins!"
