Monday, April 8, 2013

Avery Sleepover

Avery spent the night at our house & went to Awana's with Braxton.  They had so much fun and these two are so silly when they are together!  One conversation went like this:
Braxton:  So, what do you want to talk about?               .
Avery: Let's talk about beautiful stuff and ballerina stuff..
Braxton: Um....smell my stinky fart!                                .


  1. Anonymous4/08/2013

    Oh, Brock and Di, love all the pictures, great talking to you this a.m., enjoy??!!! Love, DE

  2. Anonymous4/09/2013

    Isn't that what everybody says when we are asked to think of beautiful things...smell my stinky fart? Such a boy's boy! Love you lots. Gma Debbie
