Saturday, April 27, 2013


Today we went to a local Arbor Day/Earth Day event with the Zoomobile.  Braxton got to see a tarantula, snake, squirrel, hawk and he got to touch the fur of a "dead tiger".  He also got to ask the Zookeeper one question "Do dinosaurs eat squirrels?"  She reported that the dinosaurs were so big they probably ate bigger animals.  We also got to see Smokey the bear - and Braddax was perfectly dressed for that (thanks to Grandma Debbie!)    


  1. Anonymous4/27/2013

    Ohhhhh, how fun to see all those animals (dead or alive.) Good job, Mom and Dad, for thinking of that great kid activity.

    And have a 4 month old fashion trendsetter? I'm pushing 40 and I'm nowhere near that together! Go Braddax!

    Love, Auntie Dordi
