Monday, July 22, 2013

The Boat

Brock has wanted a simple fishing boat for the longest time.  He took Braxton on his first boat ride yesterday. 



  1. Anonymous7/23/2013

    Love the "boat ride" pics, looks like a great time, can't wait for my turn!! DE

  2. Anonymous7/24/2013

    What a great dad you are. Braxton will remember these times that dad took time to do things with him. Always remember how important these times are to your kids. Also, congrats on the new boat.

  3. Anonymous7/25/2013

    Ahoy there, Captain!

    Wonderful vessel ya got there. (Especially love the minivan backed up to the water!) Fine First Mate there, too, admiring the 'Safety First' aspect of his PFD (personal flotation device.) Looks like yer lake-worthy but it begs one question about yer ship there....what's her name?

    Love, Auntie Dordi
